Sunday, February 24, 2008

Islam's religion

In my country all people are Muslims. And there are more than 35 countries. The must people of them are Muslims. We're following our messenger (Mohammed). He's the last messenger from the God in my religion (Islam).
There are more than 1,000,000,000 Muslims in the entire world. We want all the people understand the religion of Islam is religion for peace, love, and respect. We're believed there are different religions in the world. My religion respects all another religions.
We have in Saudi Arabia the oldest mosque in the world (Holy mosque). And we have the second mosque (Mohammed's mosque).
We have two special days every year. First day is coming after (Ramadan). It's a month. We're fasting at that month. We stop eating from the morning to the sunset. After that we could eat to next morning.
Second day is coming after two months and nine days from Ramadan in 10 of month pilgrimage. We called those days (Eid). In month pilgrimage couple of Muslims went to Holy mosque to do Al – Hajj. It's corner of the Islam. Every Muslim must do it.
Every year the number of Muslims is coming up. In our religion we believe there is one God (Allah). We have the Holy Quran. It's the last book from Allah.
We prayer in one day five times. We called it (ALfajer = Morning), (Aldhohor = Noon), (Alassar = after the noon), (almaqrep = Sunset), (Alesha = Night).

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