Sunday, February 3, 2008


I love my country very much, because I born there. And my family live there. It's my land. I want to go back to Saudi Arabi, because I miss all my friends, family,and my home.
My country is big country in middle east. It's abeauteful land to stay forever. We have caffie. It's name Arabic caffie. It's famous in the world. My city is south of my country. We have alot of animal like sheep, cows, camels, and horses. We have Mountains everywhere. In my country there are alot of tribes and all people in my country are muslims. We pray everyday 5 times . because we are muslims and this is my religion.


Jeff L. said...

What is the first picture??? It looks like a terrible traffic jam!

Adry said...

Hi Nasser... Why is the picture the cars? I don´t understand...
Interesting country...
See you...